Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What i've been up to

Its been ages since my last post, and thanks Adam for keeping my shoutbox active and kinky, hahahah. I've been pretty busy, well VERY busy for the past 2 months as i was in the middle of a transition period in terms of job scope. I was working for the Promotions department of hitz.fm but i'm now working as an announcer on Malaysia's Number 1 Hit Station doing 10am - 1pm everyday.

I was working 2 jobs for the past 2 months, office job by day, announcing with Ean by night. but starting next week i'll be full time over at 92.9
Recently took some pictures at the Sunburst Music Festival that happened lat Saturday, if you weren't there, here's what you missed out on.

Also, i have another blog now, the address is http://jin.blog.hitz.fm so do visit it if you have the time:)

Moots of Pop Shuvit
One Buck Short
The Roots
John Legend
Here are some pictures i took with the artistes (beginning with Incubus)

1 comment:

Ami3 S10 said...

MAN!!!! I wanted to go to this event...:((!! I love John Legend and Incubus!! Awesome shots btw!